Digitale Animation
Steffens / Lüthje / Faust
Handbuch5., überarbeitet Auflage.2016Sketch-ShopISBN 978-3-00-052172-0
Oliszewski / Fine / Roth
Digital Media, Projection Design, and Technology for Theatre
Digital Media, Projection Design, and Technology for Theatre
2. Auflage2025Taylor & Francis LtdISBN 978-1-03-230216-4
Oliszewski / Fine / Roth
Digital Media, Projection Design, and Technology for Theatre
Digital Media, Projection Design, and Technology for Theatre
2. Auflage2025Taylor & Francis LtdISBN 978-1-03-230215-7
Volume Three
2025Taylor & Francis LtdISBN 978-1-03-253256-1
Volume Three
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My Life in the Middle of the Animation Revolution
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The Films of Lewis Klahr
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Theory, Practice, and Aesthetics
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Theory, Practice, and Aesthetics
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3D-Grafik und Animation mit Blender
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An Enlightenment Education Book on Film Visual Effects
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An Enlightenment Education Book on Film Visual Effects
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Katalog zur Ausstellung im Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden 2022/2023
Fachbuch2023Wienand VerlagISBN 978-3-86832-752-6