Studies in Computational Intelligence
Musleh Al-Sartawi / Ghura
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Regeneration Towards Sustainability and Social Responsibility—Volume 2
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Volume 18
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Singh / Kumar / Abraham / Igulu
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Al-Sharafi / Al-Emran / Tan / Ooi
Current and Future Trends on Intelligent Technology Adoption
Current and Future Trends on Intelligent Technology Adoption
Volume 1
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Regeneration Towards Sustainability and Social Responsibility – Volume 1
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Chawki / Abraham
Cybercrime Unveiled: Technologies for Analysing Legal Complexity
Cybercrime Unveiled: Technologies for Analysing Legal Complexity
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Oliva / Valdivia / Mousavirad / Kalita
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Towards Privacy-Preserving Distributed AI
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Abdul Khalib / Sabapathy / Padmanathan / Amir / Soh
Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Electronic Design Technologies
Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Electronic Design Technologies
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Al-Sharafi / Al-Emran / Mahmoud / Arpaci
Volume 1
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Results of the Workshop on Computational Optimization WCO 2023
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Georgiev / Kostadinov / Lilkova
16th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM, December 21–23, 2021, Sofia, Bulgaria, Revised Selected Papers
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Volume 7
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Yafooz / Al-Gumaei
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Redko / Yudin / Dunin-Barkowski / Kryzhanovsky / Tiumentsev
Advances in Neural Computation, Machine Learning, and Cognitive Research VIII
Advances in Neural Computation, Machine Learning, and Cognitive Research VIII
Selected Papers from the XXVI International Conference on Neuroinformatics, October 21-25, 2024, Moscow, Russia
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Montiel Ross / Orozco-Rosas / Martínez-Vargas
Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing: Early Innovations
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Jaziri / Martin / Cornuéjols / Cuvelier / Guillet
Volume 10
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Melliani / Castillo / El Hajaji
Applied Mathematics and Modelling in Finance, Marketing and Economics
Applied Mathematics and Modelling in Finance, Marketing and Economics
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