S. R. Harnot’s Cats Talk

lieferbar, ca. 10 Tage

ca. 69,67 €

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Buch. Hardcover


195 S.

In englischer Sprache

Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 978-1-5275-1357-0


Cats Talk is S. R. Harnot’s translated short story collection, and explores the social, political, religious, and cultural milieu of the state of Himachal Pradesh, India. Written in the zeitgeist of Pahari life, his stories hold universal appeal. These stories delineate the range of difficulties and absurdities and the joys and rewards of life in this mountainous region. They delve into socio-economic inequities, ecological imbalances, political peccadilloes, class and caste discriminations, individual selfishness, and the transforming human relationships in contemporary India.

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