
Herausgegeben von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Bußjäger, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anna Gamper, ao. Univ.-Prof. MMag.a. Dr. Esther Happacher, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Walter Obwexer, Univ.-Prof. DDr. Günther Pallaver, Univ.-Prof. DDr. Martin P. Schennach MAS, Prof. Dr. jur. Jens Woelk

During the course of European integration, which is based on cooperation between autonomous states, regions have gradually become more important and have intensified their collaborative work with regions beyond the EU’s borders. However, European integration and regionalism, which includes cross-border cooperation between regions, are governed by different dynamics that are related to centralisation and decentralisation, which generates a certain amount of tension. This means that pursuing both paths (at the same time) throws up a whole host of questions, some of which are extremely complex. This collection of publications is the result of collaborative academic work between the Universities of Innsbruck, Bolzano and Trento as well as the EURAC Research Centre in Bolzano under the direction of the Research Centre on Federalism at the University of Innsbruck. It aims to publish the latest research studies on the role of regions in Europe.

5 Treffer
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Obwexer / Happacher

Südtirols Autonomie gestern, heute und morgen

Südtirols Autonomie gestern, heute und morgen

50 Jahre Zweites Autonomiestatut: Rück-, Ein- und Ausblicke

89,00 €

lieferbar, 3-5 Tage


350 Jahre Universität Innsbruck

350 Jahre Universität Innsbruck

Regionale Ausstrahlung und europäische Vernetzung

26,00 €

lieferbar, ca. 7-10 Tage

Obwexer / Happacher

Südtirols Autonomie gestern, heute und morgen

Südtirols Autonomie gestern, heute und morgen

50 Jahre Zweites Autonomiestatut: Rück-, Ein- und Ausblicke

0,00 €

sofort lieferbar!

Bußjäger / Happacher / Obwexer

Verwaltungskooperation in der Europaregion

Verwaltungskooperation in der Europaregion

Potenziale ohne Grenzen?

44,00 €

lieferbar, ca. 7-10 Tage

Obwexer / Bußjäger / Gamper / Happacher (Hrsg.)

Integration oder Desintegration?

Integration oder Desintegration?

Herausforderungen für die Regionen in Europa

52,00 €

lieferbar, ca. 7-10 Tage


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