Roccatello / Emmi
A Comprehensive Guide - Volume 2
Cotoia / De Rosa / Ferrari / Pota / Umbrello
Nutrition, Metabolism and Kidney Support
Nutrition, Metabolism and Kidney Support
A Critical Care Approach
Covic / Musso
Organ Crosstalk in Acute Kidney Injury
Organ Crosstalk in Acute Kidney Injury
Basic Concepts and Clinical Practices
Kosten- und Erlössituation der extrakorporalen Nierenersatztherapie
Kosten- und Erlössituation der extrakorporalen Nierenersatztherapie
Eine Analyse im Kontext der stationären Leistungserbringung
Sethi / Sharma / Raina / Yap
Atlas of Radiology in Pediatric Kidney Disorders
Atlas of Radiology in Pediatric Kidney Disorders
Abraham / Kesavadev / Govindan / Arun / Teckchandani
Management of Diabetic Complications
Management of Diabetic Complications
Calling for a Team Approach
Endspurt Klinik: Niere, Harnsystem, Immunsystem, Rheumatologie
Endspurt Klinik: Niere, Harnsystem, Immunsystem, Rheumatologie
Skript 7
4., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage
Füeßl / Weidenbusch / Gebhardt
BASICS Nephrologie und Rheumatologie
BASICS Nephrologie und Rheumatologie
2. Auflage
Gasotransmitters in Organ Transplantation
Gasotransmitters in Organ Transplantation
A New Era in Transplant Medicine
Masià-Plana / Liossatou
Principles of Nursing in Kidney Care
Principles of Nursing in Kidney Care
Under the Auspices of EDTNA/ERCA and EKPF
Molnar / Ostermann / Shankar-Hari
Management of Dysregulated Immune Response in the Critically Ill
Management of Dysregulated Immune Response in the Critically Ill
Xavier de Ávila / Villacorta Junior
A Clinical Guide