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In many regions of the world and across various fields, law has become a product. Individuals and companies seek attractive legal regulations and countries advertise their legal wares globally as they compete for customers. In order to analyze this development and to develop policy recommendations with respect to contract law and dispute resolution a conference was held in Munich in October 2011. The conference brought together leading scholars in the field of contract law and dispute resolution both from the US and Europe.
This book compiles revised versions of the various papers and comments produced for that conference.
The book covers a wide variety of issues: Legal rules and economic growth, legal transplants, theories of private law production, standard form contracts, employee involvement rules for a Societas Europaea, choice of law and choice of forum in Europe, regulatory competition in contract law, European Optional Instrument, competition between civil justice systems, English vs. the American rule on attorneys’ fees, courts versus arbitration.
Verlag C.H.Beck oHG
Wilhelmstraße 9
80801 München, Deutschland